<全国の港で初の取り組み>金沢港振興協会が連携し、SNSマーケティングを活用した 金沢港発着クルーズのプロモーション事業をスタート!





「CRUISE Ism」から選抜されたインフルエンサー4名(総フォロワー数:120万人以上)が石川県を訪れ、金沢港発着クルーズと地域の魅力をInstagramにて発信。Instagramを通して、ミレニアル世代の興味を引き付けます。

WEBメディア「CRUISE Ism」での情報発信

クルーズ旅に特化したブログ型WEBメディア「CRUISE Ism」にて、金沢港発着クルーズにおける前後泊の観光モデルコースや金沢港発着クルーズの体験記事を制作。クルーズに詳しい専門家と金沢観光に精通したフォトライターが監修し、SNSでは伝えきれないより詳細な情報を発信していきます。
金沢発着「コスタ セレーナ」で叶える4泊5日の日本海ショートクルーズ






▶▶ 一般社団法人金沢港振興協会HP
▶▶ Instagram


Cruise-ism and
and the Kanazawa Port Promotion Association have teamed up to launch a promotional project for cruises to and from Kanazawa Port
and the Kanazawa Port Promotion Association have launched a promotional project for cruises to and from Kanazawa Port, utilizing SNS marketing!

CRUISE Ism (Koto-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Kengo Kuno), which operates CRUISE Ism, Japan’s first cruise-specific travel media featuring influencers, has been commissioned by the Kanazawa Port Promotion Association (Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture) to launch the nation’s first (according to our own research) full-scale promotion of cruises to and from the port of Kanazawa. (Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture), has launched a full-scale promotional program for cruises to and from Kanazawa Port, the first of its kind in Japan (according to our own research).

Cruises to/from Kanazawa Port

First in Japan! Enhancing the brand power of Kanazawa Port through SNS promotion

Background and purpose of the project

The opening of the entire Hokuriku Shinkansen line in March 2024 will shorten travel time and distance between Ishikawa and the Kansai region in addition to the Tokyo metropolitan area, improving access to Ishikawa Prefecture. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we plan to increase awareness of the Port of Kanazawa and its surrounding tourist attractions through promotions that introduce the port and its surrounding tourist attractions, and to expand cruises to and from the port (Asuka II, Nippon Maru, and Costa Serena cruise ships as of September 2024).

Strengths of Kanazawa Port in terms of cruises to/from Kanazawa Port

Business Description

  1. opening of new official SNS accounts

New official SNS accounts (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram) for Kanazawa Port Promotion Association will be opened in mid-October 2024. Using the know-how of top influencers, we will communicate the appeal of Kanazawa Port and cruise destinations from various angles through short videos. 2.

PR using travel influencers

Four influencers selected from CRUISE Ism (total number of followers: over 1.2 million) will visit Ishikawa Prefecture and share the attractions of Kanazawa Port and the region on Instagram, attracting the interest of millennials through Instagram.

3) Information dissemination via the “CRUISE Ism” web media

We will produce model courses for sightseeing before and after the cruise and articles about the experience of cruises to and from Kanazawa Port on “CRUISE Ism,” a blog-type web media specializing in cruise travel. The articles are supervised by an expert on cruises and a photo writer well versed in Kanazawa sightseeing, and provide more detailed information that cannot be conveyed through SNS.

A 5-day/4-night Japan Sea short cruise on the Costa Serena from/to Kanazawa

  1. hold seminars on the use of local SNS

Top influencers (Tonchan: @tonchan_travel) will be dispatched to conduct seminars to introduce the latest trends utilizing SNS to Kanazawa’s tourism businesses to share SNS marketing know-how and support tourism promotion throughout the region.

  1. holding offline seminars for wealthy senior citizens

Dispatch experts familiar with the cruise industry and lecturers familiar with Kanazawa to conduct offline seminars targeting senior affluent customers who are difficult to reach through SNS. The direct approach will convey the attractiveness of cruises to and from Kanazawa Port and increase the interest of participants.

■Future Prospects

We feel that this initiative has the potential to contribute to regional development as a port model that draws out new attractions for tourism and ports in cruise travel. In the future, we intend to further explore the characteristics of each region and enhance the sense of unity between the port and the tourism behind it, while also focusing on proposing new ways to enjoy cruise travel through our unique PR strategy utilizing SNS and influencers.


CRUISE Ism 編集部
CRUISE Ism 編集部


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